5 Class Pass for Hammock/Lyra
5 Class Pass: May be used for any regularly scheduled Hammock or Lyra class or kids bungee. Shareable between those under the same account. Valid for 3 months, with a one time 1 month extension by contacting the studio.
Applies to: Lyra Hoop INTRO, Hammock Intro, Hammock Gentle Stretch and Stability, Lyra Level 1 (requires intro), Double Hammock, Hammock Level 1 (requires intro), Lyra Level 2, Hammock Tweeners, Lyra Level 3, Aerial Strong, Hammock Level 3, Hammock Stretch and Stability, Mother’s Day Hammock Class, Hammock Neon Nights Levels 2/3, Lyra Levels 1/2, Hammock Tweeners Advanced, Hammock Level 2, Bungee Kids - 13 YO and Below
Number of sessions: 5
Sessions expire after 3 months
Shareable: yes