29 days of Zoom
Unlimited Zoom package covers classes for 29 days from purchase. Auto-renews but you can cancel at any time. No refunds. Please reserve your Zoom class at least three hours in advance. Drop-in students without a reservation must have active Zoom package. Please read about Zoom procedures on tapwithhoward.com. If you don't already have the meeting code and password, you must email howard.tap@gmail to get those -- or you won't be able to enter your Zoom session. Beginning classes require at least two sign-ups, so please check your email for a confirmation that a particular beginning class will take place.
Applies to: Zoom Tap, Level 3, Zoom Beg. Tap, Level 1, Zoom Tap, Level 2
Number of sessions: Unlimited
Sessions expire after 29 days
Membership is automatically renewed every 29 days.
Shareable: no