Beginner's Hand Dance (11 wk)*
This 12 week Beginner's Class will introduce you to: • the basic and essential techniques as a leader and a follower of this style of Dance. • practical terms (the talk) and execution (the how to) of rolling 6-count, footwork, hand connection, various hand leads, turns, and more. If you have a partner in mind, great, but not necessary. We invite you to an encouraging, non-judging environment to get you dance on! With these fundamentals, you will establish a solid foundation to build upon to get out and social dance or to take your dance to the next level if you desire! Dress comfortably, preferably with leather bottom or dance shoes and get ready to have some fun! SEE YOU ON THE DANCE FLOOR!
Applies to: Beginner's Hand Dance Class w/Juaquin & Shirley, Beg Hand Dance Class Drop-in
Number of sessions: 11
Sessions expire after 3 months
Shareable: no